Standout To Your Basketball Coach During Tryouts
Nov 01, 2024As a basketball player, are you a little anxious heading into the season? Are you unsure of your place on the team? Are you trying out for a new team and aren’t sure the coach even knows who you are? Today I am going to share from a coaches perspective a couple of the ways you can stand out at tryouts or to start the season and you can be confident your coach is sure to notice.
My entire playing career, I was filled with self-doubt and that I wasn’t really being noticed by my coaches. Tryouts and the beginning of a new season is a stressful time for a lot of players who enter each season a little unsure like I used to be as a player. Later when I became a coach, I realized just how hard it can be to notice everyone who’s trying out for a team in a short amount of time. Share how to stand out that has nothing to do with your basketball skills.
Hope you enjoy!
Coach Dave
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