How To Make Your High School Basketball Team Next Season

Jun 21, 2024

Are you a basketball player that wants to make your High School team next season? This weekend I ran into the Boy’s Coach at my old High School and it got me thinking about the summer before I made my first Varsity Basketball Season and I wanted to share the difference maker that gave me an advantage over a more talented player that got cut at tryouts.

Today we are continuing our off-season topics of things you can do this summer that will prepare you for a success next basketball season. But some of you may not be sure you’re even going to make the team next year, maybe you are an incoming Freshman or a returning player from the Freshman or JV teams, making the Varsity team is probably a goal of yours. The story I want to share today will give you one thing you should do this summer that is critically important to your High School basketball career.

Hope you enjoy!

Coach Dave

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