The BIG mistake basketball players make that's limiting their development and leading to burnout

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Hey all you basketball players out there, if you’ve been putting all this effort into your season and your playing career, but you feel stuck, like you aren’t meeting your own expectations, your development has plateaued and you are one long practice away from total burn-out. There is one big mistake that all players at one time or another make. It kills your improvement, it kills your energy and it kills your joy for the game. The good news is once you find yourself making it, you can fix it. Today I’m going to share what that mistake is and how to fix it.

If you’re a basketball player that wants to improve your game, wants to have better seasons ahead, maybe has big goals like getting recruited or earning a scholarship, or just want to have more fun playing the game you love, this episode is for you.

Welcome back to Hard Smart Together! I’m Coach Dave, I’m here every week to help basketball players become the smart, confident players that coaches love.

Hope you enjoy!

Coach Dave